Editors’ introduction: Functional and corpus perspectives in contrastive discourse analysis
Issue: Vol 6 No. 1-3 (2010)
Journal: Linguistics and the Human Sciences
Subject Areas: Writing and Composition Linguistics
DOI: 10.1558/lhs.v6i1-3.1
The present volume offers a collection of original contributions to the study of languages in contrast from discourse, corpus, and functional perspectives. The papers were presented at the 6th International Conference on Contrastive Linguistics, held in Berlin September 29th –October 3rd, 2010, in the context of two panels: ‘Discourse analysis and contrastive linguistics’ (organized by Maite Taboada, Simon Fraser University and María de los Angeles Gómez-González, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), and ‘Contrastive linguistics, corpus analysis and annotation’ (organized by Julia Lavid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and Erich Steiner, Universität des Saarlandes).
Author: Maite Taboada, Susana Doval Suárez, Elsa González Álvarez
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