A Ecological Faith for the Global Era
Issue: Vol 6 No. 2 (2001) Ecotheology 6.1/6.2 July 2001
Journal: Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture
Subject Areas: Religious Studies
DOI: 10.1558/ecotheology.v6i2.12
This article first sketches the secular, global and ecological era that humankind is now entering and shows why conventional Christianity is losing its relevance. It then discusses Christianity as a fluid cultural stream (rather than something with an unchangeable essence) that has the capacity to meet the needs of the emerging global culture. It explores, albeit tentatively and sketchily, the way in which such basic Christian concepts as God and Jesus Christ may continue to be drawn upon to refer to and nurture the religious experience of awe, wonder, gratitude and obligation in today’s cultural and ecological context. It suggests ways in which the traditional religious rituals and festivals may be redirected to the celebration of the planetary conditions of life. It ends with an outline of spirituality in the global era.
Author: Lloyd Geering