Item Details

From Truth to Technique at Trial: A Discursive History of Advocacy Advice Texts by Philip Gaines (2016), Oxford University Press xii + 219pp

Issue: Vol 24 No. 2 (2017)

Journal: International Journal of Speech Language and the Law

Subject Areas: Linguistics

DOI: 10.1558/ijsll.34778


From Truth to Technique at Trial: A Discursive History of Advocacy Advice Texts by Philip Gaines (2016), Oxford University Press xii + 219pp

Author: Gail Stygall

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References :

Cox, E. W. (1852) The Advocate: His Training, Practice, Rights, and Duties vol. 1. London: John Cockcroft.

Cox, E. W. (1856–1859) The Advocate: His Training, Practice, Rights, and Duties vol. 2. London: Law Times.

Dodderidge, J. (1631) The English Lawyer: Describing a Method for the Managing of the Lawes of this Land and Expressing the Best Qualities Requisite in the Student, Practizer, Judges, and Fathers of the Same. London.

Fulbeck, W. (1600) The Study of the Law: Wherein is Shewed what Things Ought to be Observed and Used of them that are Addicted to the Study of the Law and what on the Contrary Part, Ought to be Eschewed and Avoided. London: J. and W. T. Clark, 1829.

Harris, R. (1880) Hints on Advocacy (Useful for Practice in Any of the Courts), with Suggestions as to Opening the Plaintiff’s Case, Examination-in-Chief, Cross-Examination, Classes of Witnesses and Mode of Cross-Examining them, Re-Examination, Opening and Summing-up the Defendant’s Case, Reply, Conduct of a Prosecution and Defence in a Criminal Trial, with Illustrative Cases (4th edn). London: Waterlow Brothers & Layton.

Hortensius (1789) Deinology or the Union of Reason and Elegance, Being Instructions to a Young Barrister, with a Postscript Suggesting Some Considerations of the Viva Voce Examination of Witnesses at the English Bar. London: G. G. J. and J. Robinson.

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Simpson, J. (1764) Reflections on the Natural and Acquired Endowments Requisite for the Study of the Law and the Means to be Used in the Pursuit of it (3rd edn). London: B. Tovey and others.