Female Activism and Leadership through Social Media in Egypt during the Arab Spring: Nawara Negm’s Blog
Issue: Vol 12 No. 1-2 (2016) Special Issue: Muslim Women, Activism, and Contexts of Religious Authority
Journal: Comparative Islamic Studies
Subject Areas: Religious Studies Islamic Studies
DOI: 10.1558/cis.34856
This article provides a detailed analysis of the blog of an Egyptian female activist, Nawara Negm, during the critical period of the Egyptian Revolution of 2011. The analysis presents the contents of the blog thematically, through identifying strategies and values and in terms of the author’s shifting terminology by undertaking a quantitative and qualitative analysis of Negm’s changing lexicon. The intersection of gender, nationalism, political activism, and Islam make this individual and her blog important examples of new spaces for the female voice in Arab Muslim contexts.
Author: Samar Barghouthi
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