Anti-Masonic Speech, 'Quebra-Quilos', and the Empire of Brazil
Issue: Vol 1 No. 1 (2010)
Journal: Journal for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism
Subject Areas: Religious Studies
DOI: 10.1558/jrff.v1i1.65
From late 1874 to early 1875, Northeastern Brazil erupted in violence, known as the Quebra-Quilos, or ‘break the scales’ Movement. Although the causes for this uprising were multifaceted, the Religious Question, caused in part by controversy over masonry in the Empire, gave it moral justification. And together, the Religious Question and Quebra-Quilos Movement assisted in discrediting the regime and toppling the Second Empire. The importance of anti-Masonic speech in the collapse of the Empire of Brazil is, therefore, much more important than has traditionally been credited. It is an example of using Masonry as an excuse, by the peasants, for all-out violence.
Author: Kim Richardson