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Book: A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy

Chapter: 71. Zeng Cao: The Transmission of the Dao from Zhongli to Lü

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.45448


The Transmission of the Dao from Zhongli to Lü is the first integrated account of the complex system of internal alchemy, the core of Daoist spiritual practice since the Song dynasty (960–1268 CE). It is recorded first in the Pivot of the Dao by the bibliophile Zeng Cao (fl. 1131–1155) and in teaching goes back to the 11th century. It records the alleged transmission of the Daoist teachings among two of the legendary Eight Immortals, from Zhongli Quan to Lü Dongbin. The text proceeds in eighteen sections, many of which describe specific techniques of internal alchemy, and the very first part provides a clear picture of the Daoist view of how human beings come into the world and how they can attain transcendence and immortality.

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